Hersheypark Unveils Drop Tower for 2017

Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania, announced its next addition to its popular candy-themed amusement park: three new drop towers. With three different levels and heights, Hersheypark will open the new rides for the 2017 summer season.

The Kisses Tower, which will hold 12 riders, will drop 80 feet. Reese’s Tower, holding 16 people, will drop 131 feet. Finally, Hershey’s Tower, holding 20 thrill seekers,will drop 189 feet and features Space Shot and Turbo Drop gravity-defying experiences. The new rides will drop passengers at speeds of 45 miles per hour and will be located at Kissing Tower Hill, affording the best views of Hersheypark and Hershey.

–Lissa Poirot

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