Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

Four Seasons has mastered the art of seamlessly welcoming families, as well as couples looking for a romantic getaway — at the same hotel. Four Seasons resorts appeal to families for many reasons, not the least of which are the extraordinary service and complimentary Kids for All Seasons children’s program for kids, ages 5 through 12. You’ll also have access to great family pools (often separate from adults-only pools); free baby products like cribs, strollers and playpens on loan; child- proofing kits; baby-sitting referrals; teen concierges in some locations; kid’s menus; bedtime milk and cookies; and child-sized robes.

Activities offered in the Kids for All Seasons program vary by location but include some of the most innovative in the business. Try ski lessons in Whistler, learn Spanish in Costa Rica, or perform fossil identification in Scottsdale. Teens will love the separate Tuanis space in Costa Rica, which houses a flat-screen TV, DVD player, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, computers with free Internet and iPod docking stations. Four Seasons also has special offers at many locations.

Family Favorites: Some of our favorite family friendly Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts include Four Seasons Costa Rica at Papagayo Peninsula, Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale, Four Seasons Resort Whistler and Four Seasons Jackson Hole.

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