by FVC
This hotel offers families free parking and breakfast throughout the duration of their stay in Athens. Dry cleaning and laundry services are available by request. Children will love using the outdoor pool facilities, and parents will appreciate having access to the hotel’s fitness center. Rooms come equipped with a microwave and fridge, which is greatly convenient for families. Standard rooms fit four people on average, but suites and adjacent rooms will fit larger parties.
Our Editor Loves
- Outdoor pool
- Fitness center
- Dry cleaning services
Family Interests
- Bicycling
- Golf
- Hiking
- Museum/Cultural
Family Amenities
- Cribs
- Free Breakfast
- Free Wi-Fi
- Kitchenettes
- Laundry
- Pool
- Refrigerator
by K6766SYrogerb
Visit to eldest sibling, who had moved some 300 miles away. This was the second trip of the year, with the first being to visit another sibling approximately 500 miles earlier. This stay was THE BEST ever! Thanks for the accommodation "upgrade"!
by Oldfool49
The first room they gave us had a tv that you couldn't see AND we saw a mouse in our room. The young lady at the desk at night told us we had to totally evacuate our room, before she could get us another. So we stood outside in 30 degree weather at 10 pm while she looked for another room. The new room she gave us had an adjoining room door that you could hear everything being said, and their alarm that went off and them leaving at 4am. Also, there was a refrigerator right by the head of the bed that made so much noise, that we finally had to unplug it. Josh, at the front desk was very kind, but I thought more than a $20 comp was warranted.