Inspired by the “Wind in the Willows” segment of the animated film “The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad,” embark on a wild drive through the English countryside on this ride. Jump into a two-person, open-air buggy and prepare for a few minutes of mayhem. Overhear the song “Merrily On Our Way” as you zoom through a dining room (with dishes rattling and glass crackling as a result), a wall-sized window and a riverbank just clear of running over a sheepherder and his flock. The chaos doesn’t end there — can you handle it? Open daily, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride
Fantasyland, Disneyland Park, Anaheim, 92803-3232, CA
- Best For:
- Little Kids 3-6
- Big Kids 7-9
- Tweens 10-12
- Teens 13-17