The nearly 30,000 acres of this national park have been protected since 1998 and it is now filled with wildlife and flora and fauna. Armadillo, deer, iguana, snakes, more than 700 species of birds and more than 9,000 species of plants live here protected. Along the coastline, sea turtles, dolphins, whales and more than 100 amphibian species have made homes in the national park as well. Many of the Huatulco guided tours, specifically on the boat tours, bring visitors inside the national park.
Things to Remember
This national park is a protected area in order for the ecosystem to thrive. Please remember to not litter and be mindful of the environment while visiting. You are also kindly asked to apply sunscreen or bug spray prior to entering the national park area. Once inside the Huatulco National Park, it is hazardous to the environment to apply sunscreen.