Family Activities:

Aspen Snowmobile Tours


Aspen Snowmobile Tours

3129 Maroon Creek Road, Aspen, 81611, CO

Another great way to see the mountains is comfortably perched on a motorized snow vehicle, although your teens may find the exhilaration of speed the best part of the trip. T-Lazy-7 is a snowmobile tour company offering a variety of tours. The most popular is one through the country’s most photographed mountains, the Maroon Bells. Tours are offered at 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and last for two hours with a stop along Maroon Lake with hot cocoa. Lunch tours include all-you-can-eat burgers from local ranches. Drivers must be 18 but passengers can ride as long as they are 3 and older. $200 for single rider; $300 for double riders.