While the notion of Oktoberfest may be to drink as much beer as possible, the celebration is actually a family-friendly one. Initiated when a prince celebrated his wedding by inviting the people to his October party, the event became an annual celebration for the people. However, do not be fooled — the two-week event takes place mostly in September and ends the first weekend of October. (October’s unpredictable weather was the reason the event was pushed back, but the city didn’t want to change the name to Septemberfest, thus concluding the event in October.) Visit the beer gardens during the day, when music, pretzels and family fun is everywhere, and then be sure to leave by late afternoon, when those having a little too much begin to get rowdy. Only Munich breweries are featured in the beer gardens and beer tents, with some houses holding up to 10,000 people! Kids will enjoy the parades and the live music.
Munich, 80339